Calcium Nitrate For Crops Buy Online In Pakistan
Plants also need food and nutrients to grow and work just the way we humans do. And it is very important to providing plants with correct amount of nutrients for them to have healthy development. We human get diseases and other issues when we do not receive certain amount of nutrients, similarly plants also get diseases, pests and low bearing when they are not given the required amount of nutrients.
Calcium nitrate is the nutrient that plants need and Calcium nitrate fertilizer is a water soluble solution source of calcium for plants. Talking about calcium nitrate, let’s have a look at what it is actually.
Calcium nitrate works as a fertilizer and also helps in controlling certain diseases of plants. For example there is a disease like blossom end rot in plants. It can be controlled by Calcium nitrate. There are several health benefits for plants that calcium nitrate provides like it neutralizes the acids in plants thus detoxifies them, it also helps in cell formation, it provides and promotes leafy growth of a plant, helps in protein production, it also fuels and stabilizes the leafy development of plant. Before giving calcium nitrate to plats, it is important to do the soil test first because if there is excess of calcium already present in the soil, the excess can also lead to severe problems. When calcium is provided to plants in their early development, it stabilizes the cells and prevents them from collapsing or catching blossom end rot. The nitrogen factor in it fuels plants in their growth. It must be kept in mind that calcium nitrate is synthetically derived fertilizer. If you also want to buy calcium nitrate for your crops then there are many famous international brands that make calcium nitrate for healthier plants. Some of these brands are: Botanicare, Dr. Earth, Jobe's, EZ-gro, Southern Ag, PowerGrow Systems and more. A few of the best-selling calcium nitrate for crops are: Calcium Nitrate by EZ-gro has 18% Calcium in Our Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer | Just What You Need to Stop Blossom End Rot in Tomatoes | A Favorite in Hydroponic Nutrients as a Calcium Fertilizer with 56 global ratings (B07F8DPXK4), Southern Ag Calcium Nitrate with 798 global ratings (B0013LQJKU), Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0 Fertilizer Bulk Pricing by PowerGrow Systems with 820 global ratings (B071YS779G). Shop from us and have healthier crops.